Steven was diagnosed in 2017 on his 10th birthday with Leukemia and is currently in the maintenance phase of his treatment. Throughout his journey, all he has wanted to do is bring awareness and give back. You’re never too young to change the world! Steven began to host blood drives and eventually won the Rookie of the Year award at LifeStream’s Chairman Recognition Event.
Steven’s mom says that he has “changed our lives, from the day he was born and again the day he was diagnosed. He was diagnosed on his birthday, at the same time I walked him into his bone aspiration, it was the same time 10 years prior that I gave birth to him at the same exact hospital. This has tested us and almost broken our family, sometimes I feel we are still putting the bandages together as we are not completely healed. We found a way to make it through, by allowing Steven to decide what he wanted to do, to make his time better, make the days easier. He decided he wanted to help do blood drives and give back to the community we live in. WE have a new world, a motto in which we live by “With Pain Comes Strength” and every time it feels we want to give up, we tell ourselves what we tell Steven, With Pain Comes Strength, Never Give UP!”
He loves building Legos and enjoys Star Wars, singing, music, telling jokes and being happy. To Steven and his family, Jessie’s NEGU motto means, “that no matter what, you Never Ever Give Up hope. Once you lose hope, all is lost. With pain comes strength, that is our motto, which makes us have the strength to Never Ever Give Up. We have come this far, we are going the whole way!”
When Steven received his JoyJar® from ClubNEGU, he loved the whoopee cushion so much, it felt very special. His mom said, “I have seen the children’s stories and met new families that are a part of NEGU. It is very nice to have a support group with other parents and families that are in this world together.”
ClubNEGU is free for all Courageous Kids, their Super Sibs and parents. Each ClubNEGU family receives fun boosts of hope, joy and love each month. They also have access to our free smartphoneapp iNEGU, national resource guide and get their story shared on social media. All of these special “boosts” are our gift to each qualifying courageous family that registers. If you are interested in becoming part of ClubNEGU, click here to learn more!
The post With Pain Comes Strength – Steven’s Battle with Leukemia appeared first on Jessie Rees Foundation | Encouraging Kids Fighting Cancer to Never Ever Give Up | Childhood Cancer Charity.
Source: With Pain Comes Strength – Steven’s Battle with Leukemia