Vanessa Bayer watched so much QVC growing up that she admits it’s become “like a foreign language I can speak.” Her new series I Love That for You allows her to show off her fluency in the lingo that home-shopping hosts use to sell cashmere throws, genuine leather handbags, or platinum gold jewelry—often pronounced “jul-ry, like, with a u,” according to Bayer. In the comedy, airing Sundays on Showtime (streaming via the Showtime app on Fridays), the former Saturday Night Live star plays Joanna Gold, an aspiring host for the shopping channel SVN who, after getting fired, lies and says her childhood cancer has returned in order to keep her dream gig.
The eight-episode series, which Bayer co-created with fellow SNL alum Jeremy Beiler, is loosely based on her own life as a home-shopping devotee and a pediatric cancer survivor. “The essence of the show is my experience as someone who survived childhood leukemia,” she told TIME. “But I also happened to be someone who always loved attention and would use my illness to get perks and stuff, which was funny to me even while I was doing it.”
Source: Vanessa Bayer on Channeling Her Childhood Cancer Experience in Showtime’s I Love That for You