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Berglund Construction is a fourth-generation, family-owned and operated construction and building restoration firm. Berglund Construction specializes in the restoration of stone, concrete, masonry, and curtainwall structures. Berglund works to preserve some of the Midwest’s architectural gems including schools, art museums, churches, and office buildings.
When asked about the toy drive, Berglund Construction Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Kevin Geshwender said, “Berglund Construction feels strongly about the need to give back to the community. The Treasure Chest Foundation is an admirable and worthwhile cause.”
Treasure Chest Foundation CEO and Founder Colleen Kisel said, “We are extremely grateful to the Berglund Construction Family for showing their compassion by collecting so many toys. It is amazing to receive such a tremendous donation, especially during our important holiday toy drive season.”
The POTCF is a unique organization whose services impact more than 14,000 young cancer patients in 59 cancer treatment centers in 20 states across the nation and in the District of Columbia. Nowhere else in the nation does such a program exist. Colleen Kisel founded the organization in 1996 after her then seven-year-old son Martin had been diagnosed with leukemia in 1993. Ms. Kisel discovered that giving her son a toy after each procedure provided a calming distraction from his pain, noting that when children are diagnosed with cancer their world soon becomes filled with doctors, nurses, chemotherapy drugs, surgeries and seemingly endless painful procedures. Martin celebrated his 26th anniversary of remission from the disease in March of 2019.
Source: Berglund Construction Workers Help Children Fighting Cancer – Patch.com