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When your child is diagnosed with cancer, it changes the lens through which you view the world. Things look and feel different, and certain things matter far more or far less than they used to. With the help of our partner, Momcology, a national peer support and community building foundation, we asked a group of pediatric cancer families, “What do you see differently since becoming a cancer parent?” Their insightful answers are below.

Tolerance for drama or low-importance issues drops to zero.

When you’re a parent of a child with cancer, time and energy become hugely valuable resources. You just don’t have the space in your brain to contribute to drama or harbor negative feelings about people or issues that, in your new normal, just don’t matter. Know that it’s your right to cut sources of unnecessary drama out of your life – you have bigger fish to fry.

“I see anything that takes from what I have to give to my children cannot be part of my life. I have no energy for drama or negative experiences that are optional.” – LesLee

 “We are in the middle of a huge drama with my in-laws… They aren’t respecting our home or our family, and we had to set some tough boundaries this week. It comes with some guilt, but this helped me realize we did the right thing.” – Susan


Source: 6 Ways Cancer Changes Your Perspective

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