VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — The Virginia Beach community came out to the Oceanfront Labor Day Weekend for a brand new race supporting pediatric cancer awareness month.
The Chartway Virginia Beach 10 Miler happened September 2 and 3, in conjunction with the Live the Life Concert Series from Beach Events.
Event organizers said runners could run a 5K on Saturday, a 10 Miler on Sunday, or the option to do both races with the “Live the Life Challenge.”
Chartway Credit Union and the Chartway Promise Foundation is recognizing pediatric cancer awareness month by partnering with local nonprofits and companies throughout the month to support four local children’s wishes.
“That’s why each year in September, our foundation supports pediatric cancer awareness month and raises funds to bring joy, hope, and smiles to medically fragile children and their families. Through grants to charitable partners in local communities, we make dreams and wishes come true for pediatric cancer patients when they need it most,” Brian Schools, the president and CEO of Chartway, said in a news release.
Source: Runners in Virginia Beach support pediatric cancer awareness in Oceanfront race