When three recent Pitt studies linked fracking to negative health outcomes, the results did not surprise Lucy Zhang. They described the research as “important,” but said waiting for change to happen is “frustrating.”

“It’s scary how desensitized you become to news like this,” Zhang, co-president of Free the Planet, said. “It does just reiterate the fact that fracking is harmful to human health.”

The three studies, led by Jeanine Buchanich and Evelyn Talbott from Pitt’s School of Public Health, link unconventional natural gas developments (UNGDs) that utilize fracking and other environmental hazards, such as oil and gas waste facilities and compressor stations, to childhood cancer, severe asthma attacks and adverse birth outcomes. This research adds to existing scientific literature that link UNGDs to a multitude of negative health effects.

Source: Pitt studies link unconventional natural gas developments to childhood cancer, asthma attacks