SAN ANTONIO — Jaxon Mungia was diagnosed with leukemia July 15, 2023. He’s gone through 11 hospitalizations over the past 12 months. But nothing can keep his spirits down. In fact, his parents are learning about resilience through him.
The Mungia’s have benefitted from two organizations: South Texas Blood & Tissue and B.I.G. Love Cancer Care that collaborated for a blood drive on Sunday.
“Whenever it first started, I didn’t know I had it,” Jaxon said. “It started as a ‘out of breath type’ deal. I would walk and get out of breath.”
Apart from feeling winded, that wasn’t the only symptom that concerned Jaxon’s parents, Crystal and Julian Mungia.
“He kept coming home from summer school with a really bad headache and just a consistent cough and I thought it was allergies, so we treated it with Zyrtec or Advil,” said Crystal.