SEPTEMBER IS Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, a time to recognise the children and families affected by childhood cancers and to emphasise the importance of supporting research on these devastating conditions.

This month, and throughout the year, the children currently battling cancer, the families who love them, the clinicians and other caregivers treating them, the survivors of childhood cancer, the children who lost their lives to childhood cancer, and the researchers working to conquer childhood cancer are recognised.

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 10,500 children in the United States of America under the age of 15 will be diagnosed with cancer this year alone. The past few decades have brought promising treatments and advancements in the fight against paediatric cancer that have improved outcomes and saved lives. Still, more than 1,000 families could experience the loss of a child from cancer in 2021.

Until there is a cure for every type of cancer at any stage, young patients along with their parents, siblings, family and friends face a terrifying battle. There is still so much more to accomplish, and until we defeat paediatric cancer once and for all, bringing awareness and funding research can help doctors continue to make life-saving progress.

To a family facing a cancer battle with their child, it could mean a chance for their child to graduate from kindergarten, from high school, and eventually a chance for their child to grow up and raise a family of their own.

Source: Beating childhood cancer

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