ROCK HILL, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – It was a throwback prom party where guests not just got into the theme, but also got into the fundraising.
Welcome to the 80’s! Around 150 guests coming out to the Marriott at Kingsley in Fort Mill in their very colorful attire, all to raise money for wren’s village.
Wren, now a 10-year-old young lady fought pediatric cancer as a child, and her family has made it their mission to give back. This now annual event surpassed its goal of raising 50-thousand dollars!
Some of that money will go towards Wren’s Wallets, that go to families in the hospital. Providing $250 dollars’ worth of gift cards to help with things like gas, medication and food.
Wren’s Village’s mission is to turn awareness into action, fund a cure, raise blood donations, and help other families battling pediatric cancer.